

36 Home Remedies for Swollen Feet

Despite the ghastly appearance, swollen ankles are not always a cause for concern. In many cases, they could be a result of simply walking or standing in place too long, as your body moves fluid to help with normal joint movements, limiting pain in the process. On the other hand, ankles that stay swollen long after your marathon walking and standing session are over could be a sign of something much more serious, and potentially even life-threatening. Liver and heart problems can sometimes result in an excessive buildup of fluids, which begins at the feet and moves up the legs....

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25 Home Remedies for Allergic Rhinitis

If you sometimes think thereā€™s too much medical information floating around the universe, youā€™re not alone. Between the medical and pharmaceutical communities, youā€™re asked to believe that your only hope for getting well is via surgery or drugs that may or may not be compatible with your system. But the following information can change forever the way you deal with your allergic rhinitis diagnosis. Keep reading to learn about safe, sane and sensible ways to relieve your symptoms without putting your body at risk by flooding it with pharmaceuticals. Those manufactured drugs can weaken your immune system and burden you...

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Regular forms of pain relief come with side effects that can range from mild to intense. Does PEMF therapy have any side effects like that?

Are There Any PEMF Therapy Side Effects?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, or PEMF for short, is a beneficial form of natural therapy aimed at alleviating pain and improving your overall level of wellness. With the ability to soothe muscles and joints, increase circulation, mitigate migraine symptoms, and improve your range of motion, it might seem like PEMF therapy is a never-ending list of positive effects on the body and mind. Many people ask whether there are any side effects to using a PEMF enabled device. While it is rare to come across a side effect in using PEMF therapy, there are a few that people have reported...

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what is pemf treatment

What is PEMF Treatment?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, otherwise known as PEMF therapy, has shown immense promise in the area of holistic healing. A form of non-invasive treatment, PEMF therapy has been touted as a suitable replacement for traditional pain medication. Magnetic therapy in general has been used in one form or another for centuries. But what is PEMF treatment, and how does it benefit you specifically? Here we will explore the origins of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, its advancements, and how to use it in order to achieve the results you want. How Did PEMF Therapy Get Started? PEMF treatment came together and...

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