Blog — Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia Risk Factors

Fibromyalgia is a common and chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain. Doctors define “widespread” as occurring below and above the waist and on both sides of the body. A patient is diagnosed with fibromyalgia if they have suffered constant pain for at least three months. Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include fatigue and “fibro fog.” The latter describes the difficulty that many patients have with concentrating and paying attention to various tasks. Fibromyalgia can be accompanied by other painful conditions like migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, temporomandibular joint disorders, and interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome). Fibromyalgia Risk Factors Researchers aren’t quite sure...

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Fibromyalgia History

Fibromyalgia Syndrome, fibromyalgia for short, is a physiological illness that causes chronic pain “Fibro” means connective tissues, “my” means muscle, and “algia” means pain. This illness has been around for centuries, and ongoing research has concluded that it’s very real and debilitating. Sometimes this syndrome has mistakenly thought of as a relatively new development in the medical world. We’re here to dispel that notion and give insight into the illness by going through its growth. In the following, we’ll dig through the history of physiological disorder to its current status. We’ll look at historical developments from both a medical and...

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Fibromyalgia Causes

Fibromyalgia Causes

When it comes to chronic, long-term medical conditions affecting your bones and muscles, fibromyalgia is the second most commonly occurring. It affects some 5 million people in the U.S. alone. However, it’s also a condition that often goes misdiagnosed or undiagnosed due to it being so difficult to identify at the onset of the condition. Estimates actually show that fibromyalgia takes an average of five years to be officially diagnosed. The precise reasoning behind why you develop fibromyalgia is even more elusive and mysterious. Beyond certain factors that may predispose you, medical science can’t provide answers to why you develop...

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Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a common condition that adversely affects numerous bones and muscles throughout the body. The condition is a chronic one that cannot be cured. There are, however, treatment options that help to reduce the pain and lessen the symptoms that you experience. The symptoms related to fibromyalgia aren't that distinctive, which means that it can be difficult to properly diagnose the condition. If you believe that you're suffering from fibromyalgia, it's likely that you'll be affected by more than one of these symptoms at the same time, which makes diagnosis simpler. Main Fibromyalgia Symptoms to Look Out for Because...

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