Blog — Negative Ions

How to Relieve Stress and Depression Once and For All

How to Relieve Stress and Depression Once and For All

Nobody wants to allow stress or depression to control their life. Stress is something that can make you feel like you are overworked and fatigued. It can also manifest itself into physical symptoms, like rashes or acne. Depression can make you feel like you have a weight on your shoulder and prevent you from accomplishing everyday tasks. Trying to manage stress and depression is something that everyone should focus on, regardless of how serious these feelings are. When we donā€™t focus on these feelings, they often get worse as time goes on. Figuring out how to relieve stress and depression...

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what is negative ion therapy/how do negative ions work

What is Negative Ion Therapy and How Does It Work

Letā€™s do a thought experiment like one of those that Albert Einstein is famous for. Except, unlike Einstein, we wonā€™t be using any math or concerning ourselves with science (per se). Instead, letā€™s imagine we are on a nice path surrounded by nature on all sides. This path leads through green foliage and colorful flowers. Up ahead, is a mountain thatā€™s covered with snow. There is nothing around us. There is no one around us. We seem to have forgotten all of our worries and are out here breathing the fresh, freeing air. Doesnā€™t this sound nice? Doesnā€™t it sound...

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