Blog — How to

Creating Your Healing Oasis: 10 Key Elements For Crafting a Sacred Space

Creating Your Healing Oasis: 10 Key Elements For Crafting a Sacred Space

10 key elements to incorporate into your wellness space that will transform it into a sanctuary of healing and an experience of unparalleled ease.

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Cats experience pain, discomfort, and stress just like the rest of us. Does that mean that they too can benefit from PEMF therapy?

Is PEMF Treatment for Cats Safe?

If you have a cat, you know that making sure theyā€™re happy and healthy is of the greatest importance, and there are so many things we do to ensure that. For example, we buy them toys and make sure they eat the healthiest food just so they can live their best lives. But as they grow older, itā€™s not uncommon for your cat to lose a bit of their energy and even experience healthy issues. If only there was a way to make sure your cat is the healthiest version of themselves. Well, luckily there is! PEMF therapy is a...

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Sometimes your dog will get cold, and not all dogs are made to handle low temperatures. This is where a heated dog bed can come in handy.

What are the Benefits of a Heated Dog Bed?

Your dog is a beloved part of your family. Many people treat their canine friends like their own children. They provide hours of entertainment, are always happy to see us when we come home from work, and theyā€™ll follow us wherever we go, sometimes to the ends of the earth! This means that there is nothing we wouldnā€™t do for our pets, and that includes keeping them comfortable and safe in extreme temperatures. But is a heated dog bed necessary for your canine companion? Here we will discuss the benefits of having a heated dog bed for your pet, what...

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Learn how to de-stress holistically in one of the most stressful times of the year: the holidays.

Holistic De-stressing for the Holidays

The holiday season can present many challenges that result in stressful situations. The pressure to prepare a perfect holiday meal, seeing family who you havenā€™t seen in years, or meeting your in-laws for the first time can each have a detrimental effect on your mental and physical wellness. There are various ways to help deal with whatever is stressing you over the holiday season. Here we will discuss some of the more common forms of stress people experience over the holidays and ways to either prevent them from happening or to handle them as they pop up. Where Does Holiday...

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