Blog — Fitness

mother and daughter walking on a beach; find the best Mother’s Day gift with HealthyLine

The Best Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the best way to show your mother how much they mean to you. Mother’s Day in general is a way of showing appreciation for your mother, so you want to give them a gift that matters! But finding the best Mother’s Day gift can sometimes be a little tricky. Everyone knows that flowers, jewelry, and clothes are some of the more common gifts, but at HealthyLine, we think that the ultimate gift is the gift of wellness! Lucky for you, HealthyLine offers a wide range of products...

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Valentine’s Day Box of Chocolates: valentine's day gift ideas

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas: Why You Should Get an InfraMat Pro for Your Loved One

Images of Cupid, chocolates, and candy hearts are everywhere. What does all of this mean? It means love is in the air. It means... Valentine’s Day is almost here! And it means it’s time to start thinking about what gifts you should get your loved one. It can be hard to figure out just what to get the person you love. In this blog post, we will give you some Valentine’s Day gift ideas that will help you win over the person you care about the most. What is Valentine’s Day: An Interesting History There isn’t much known about the...

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Woman working out at a smith machine

How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Working Out

Do you frequently workout? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Bench pressing? Squatting? Then you probably have (what am I talking about, you certainly have) experienced the soreness that comes with lifting. That sore feeling you experience from lifting weights—what is it?. Do you know what that soreness is? Is it that pump that everyone is always talking about? In this blog post, we will discuss what soreness is and how to relieve muscle soreness from working out. What is Muscle Soreness? The slowly increasing discomfort and soreness that you feel after working out (usually experienced between 24 to 48 hours...

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why new year's resolutions fail

3 Most Common Reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail

The New Year is finally here! It’s about time we can finally close the book on 2020 and have a fresh start in 2021. Even though this year isn’t off to the best of starts, we still have the opportunity this year to really make a healthy change in our lives and better ourselves. That’s what makes the start of a new year so special, right? Every year, millions of Americans and people around the world commit themselves to a New Year’s resolution. It can be anything from exercising more, eating healthier, to even putting some time aside to relax—anything...

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