Blog — How to

how to boost your metabolism

How to Boost Your Metabolism: Tips and Hacks

Metabolism is a term thrown around a lot in the health and wellness world today, especially when it comes to weight management. But metabolism doesnā€™t just have to do with weight and how fast you can burn calories (though it does refer to this). In fact, metabolism is used to describe practically every biochemical reaction that occurs within your body. While metabolism technically refers to every chemical reaction in us, we still will be focusing on how it relates to weight loss and diet since these are the topics typically covered when discussing metabolism. Weā€™ll also discuss how it gives...

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Woman working out at a smith machine

How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Working Out

Do you frequently workout? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Bench pressing? Squatting? Then you probably have (what am I talking about, you certainly have) experienced the soreness that comes with lifting. That sore feeling you experience from lifting weightsā€”what is it?. Do you know what that soreness is? Is it that pump that everyone is always talking about? In this blog post, we will discuss what soreness is and how to relieve muscle soreness from working out. What is Muscle Soreness? The slowly increasing discomfort and soreness that you feel after working out (usually experienced between 24 to 48 hours...

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why new year's resolutions fail

3 Most Common Reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail

The New Year is finally here! Itā€™s about time we can finally close the book on 2020 and have a fresh start in 2021. Even though this year isnā€™t off to the best of starts, we still have the opportunity this year to really make a healthy change in our lives and better ourselves. Thatā€™s what makes the start of a new year so special, right? Every year, millions of Americans and people around the world commit themselves to a New Yearā€™s resolution. It can be anything from exercising more, eating healthier, to even putting some time aside to relaxā€”anything...

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bed pillow and headboard: foods that help you sleep through the night

Foods That Help You Sleep Through the Night

Pillow(heated) Sleep is an essential part of your day (night, really). If itā€™s so important, then why is it that we spend all this time trying to avoid it? We drink coffee, energy drinks, and more to stay awake all hours of the night in order to watch a movie or a showā€”or hang out with friendsā€”but rarely do we try to do something that promotes sleep, besides taking melatonin when we are tired. This is an unfortunate reality. But, letā€™s change that. Letā€™s try to promote better sleep. In this blog post, we will discuss foods that help you...

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