
If you have any questions about PEMF therapy and the safety in its use, youā€™ll find the answers here

Is PEMF Dangerous?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has the ability to help with ailments like migraines and arthritis. Many studies have been conducted in order to determine the beneficial nature of PEMF therapy. However, PEMF therapy is still relatively new to the average holistic consumer, which begs the question of whether PEMF therapy is dangerous. Here we will discuss the effects of PEMF and whether it is safe for you to use. What is PEMF? PEMF therapy is a form of natural, holistic therapy that utilizes the magnetic forces of your body to help alleviate any negative symptoms you may be feeling. Using...

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Cats experience pain, discomfort, and stress just like the rest of us. Does that mean that they too can benefit from PEMF therapy?

Is PEMF Treatment for Cats Safe?

If you have a cat, you know that making sure theyā€™re happy and healthy is of the greatest importance, and there are so many things we do to ensure that. For example, we buy them toys and make sure they eat the healthiest food just so they can live their best lives. But as they grow older, itā€™s not uncommon for your cat to lose a bit of their energy and even experience healthy issues. If only there was a way to make sure your cat is the healthiest version of themselves. Well, luckily there is! PEMF therapy is a...

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fir and joint pain

Fibromyalgia Risk Factors

Fibromyalgia is a common and chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain. Doctors define ā€œwidespreadā€ as occurring below and above the waist and on both sides of the body. A patient is diagnosed with fibromyalgia if they have suffered constant pain for at least three months. Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include fatigue and ā€œfibro fog.ā€ The latter describes the difficulty that many patients have with concentrating and paying attention to various tasks. Fibromyalgia can be accompanied by other painful conditions like migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, temporomandibular joint disorders, and interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome). Fibromyalgia Risk Factors Researchers arenā€™t quite sure...

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Fibromyalgia History

Fibromyalgia Syndrome, fibromyalgia for short, is a physiological illness that causes chronic pain ā€œFibroā€ means connective tissues, ā€œmyā€ means muscle, and ā€œalgiaā€ means pain. This illness has been around for centuries, and ongoing research has concluded that itā€™s very real and debilitating. Sometimes this syndrome has mistakenly thought of as a relatively new development in the medical world. Weā€™re here to dispel that notion and give insight into the illness by going through its growth. In the following, weā€™ll dig through the history of physiological disorder to its current status. Weā€™ll look at historical developments from both a medical and...

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