
full body heating pad

What are the Benefits of Heating Pads for Your Body?

Heating pads are widely used to help to relieve aches and pains, but it isnā€™t always clear as to how they work on the body. Applying heat to the body can have more benefits than the ones you immediately think about. However, heating pads are not meant to be used for any type of injury either. In some situations, the use of a heating pad can make an injury even worse. Here, we will discuss how to know when to use a heating pad, how a heating pad can provide multiple benefits when used, and which heating pad to use!...

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Tourmaline-Amethyst-Obsidian-TAO-MatĀ®-Small-1818-Photon-Matrix-PEMF-InfraMat-ProĀ® (1)

What Works as a Lightweight PEMF Device?

While constantly on the go, itā€™s not uncommon to experience any kind of discomfort. Whether you feel tired, experience muscle aches, or are simply stressed, it can often be hard to focus on and treat your discomfort. Luckily there are some devices designed not only to help with pain, but be lightweight enough to bring with you on-the-go to fight discomfort whenever it arises. One example of these products is a lightweight PEMF device! Pulsed electromagnetic fields, or PEMF, has been demonstrated through studies to provide a litany of benefits to those who use it regularly. However, it can be...

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17 Proven Home Remedies for Stomach Aches and Cramps

Almost everyone has experienced stomach pain or cramps at one time or another, and for some people, stomach aches are a regular occurrence. Article Navigation What Causes a Stomach Ache? Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain at Home? In Summary If youā€™ve got a stomach ache, you probably want relief as quickly as possible ā€“ even mild stomach cramps are annoying and can make it difficult to concentrate on anything. Luckily, it's not hard to get rid of stomach aches with a few simple at-home remedies. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of a stomach ache. What Causes...

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Our furry friends go through much more than we realize each and every day. PEMF therapy can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, stiffness, and pain in your pup, helping them to recover from a long day

How to Get PEMF Therapy for Dogs?

When it comes to our dogs, thereā€™s nothing more important than making sure they are happy and healthy. They live active, energetic lives which can often take a toll on their bodiesā€“especially as they grow older. Thatā€™s why we buy them the healthiest food and do regular visits to the vet. But thereā€™s probably one solution you havenā€™t heard of: PEMF therapy! Many studies have been enacted to find out the benefits of PEMF therapy, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, on human beings. So far, there are multiple ways to utilize PEMF outside of simple pain relief. There are other...

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