Blog — Health

Woman working out at a smith machine

How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Working Out

Do you frequently workout? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Bench pressing? Squatting? Then you probably have (what am I talking about, you certainly have) experienced the soreness that comes with lifting. That sore feeling you experience from lifting weightsā€”what is it?. Do you know what that soreness is? Is it that pump that everyone is always talking about? In this blog post, we will discuss what soreness is and how to relieve muscle soreness from working out. What is Muscle Soreness? The slowly increasing discomfort and soreness that you feel after working out (usually experienced between 24 to 48 hours...

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why new year's resolutions fail

3 Most Common Reasons New Year's Resolutions Fail

The New Year is finally here! Itā€™s about time we can finally close the book on 2020 and have a fresh start in 2021. Even though this year isnā€™t off to the best of starts, we still have the opportunity this year to really make a healthy change in our lives and better ourselves. Thatā€™s what makes the start of a new year so special, right? Every year, millions of Americans and people around the world commit themselves to a New Yearā€™s resolution. It can be anything from exercising more, eating healthier, to even putting some time aside to relaxā€”anything...

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Meditation Practices to Improve Wellness

Meditation Practices to Improve Wellness

As a society, we tend to idealize many practices, which in turn creates harsh criticism toward anything less-than-perfect. So is the case with meditation-- many people feel as though if they havenā€™t perfected the art, they should not engage with it at all. While the image of engaging in immersive meditation while overlooking the deep blue seas of Santorini is certainly magical, it is not the be-all, end-all of meditation. Visiting the most beautiful places in the world can inspire meditation, but it is not all that meditation is. Meditation can be a major component of holistic healing. This wellness...

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Healing Crystals Guide for Maximum Wellness in Each Season

Healing Crystals Guide for Maximum Wellness in Each Season

Itā€™s no secret that our mood and energy change with the seasons. Some of us feel more productive in the winter, while others might crave the summer sunshine. If you feel like the best version of yourself during a specific season, that also means that your energy could use a bit of rebalancing at other times of the year. This is where healing crystals come in to save the day! Healing crystals are a major component in some holistic healing practices. Holistic healing is the practice of health and wellness that considers the entire person and all of the internal...

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