Fibromyalgia is a common condition that adversely affects numerous bones and muscles throughout the body. The condition is a chronic one that cannot be cured. There are, however, treatment options that help to reduce the pain and lessen the symptoms that you experience.
The symptoms related to fibromyalgia aren't that distinctive, which means that it can be difficult to properly diagnose the condition. If you believe that you're suffering from fibromyalgia, it's likely that you'll be affected by more than one of these symptoms at the same time, which makes diagnosis simpler.
Main Fibromyalgia Symptoms to Look Out for
Because fibromyalgia can affect many areas of your body, there are an array of different types of symptoms that you will want to be on the lookout for.The symptoms that you will experience depend on which parts of your body are targeted by the condition.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you can go through such symptoms as fatigue, anxiety, depression, and issues with your memory.
Pain and Tenderness
The most common symptom associated with fibromyalgia is the presence of pain, which can feel dull and achy or sharp and deep. You will likely experience this pain over many areas of your body, which include tendons, ligaments, and muscles throughout.
The pain can also act differently with each person affected by it. The pain could either travel from one place in your body to another before dissipating or can come and go. Even when you're not experiencing pain, you'll likely notice certain spots on your body that are tender to the touch, which occurs when the muscles and tendons surrounding your joints are hurting.
Menstrual Cramps
One symptom that I find to be common among women who are suffering from fibromyalgia is menstrual cramps. These cramps will usually accompany the other symptoms that you're experiencing and will be particularly painful when compared to the types of menstrual cramps that are typically felt. These cramps can last for years.
Various Mood Disorders
Nearly 50 percent of all individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia are also affected by various mood disorders, the two most common of which are anxiety disorders and depression. Anxiety disorders occur when the feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety are so strong that they adversely affect your ability to perform everyday activities.
Depression occurs when you experience major feelings of apathy or sadness for at least two weeks without any change in your mood. These symptoms are unique in that they can be caused by fibromyalgia or as a direct by-product of the other symptoms that you're experiencing such as fatigue and pain.
Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia become less active because of how frustrating it can be to deal with the condition, which can cause mood disorders to occur. If you begin to experience depression or an anxiety disorder because of your fibromyalgia, you may also have difficulties with your short-term memory and ability to concentrate.
Issues with Urinating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Around 65 percent of people suffering from fibromyalgia will experience problems around the stomach and gallbladder. The development of irritable bowel syndrome is common, which causes such symptoms as bloating, pain in the belly, and large amounts of gas.
You might also become constipated, throw up, or go diarrhea when affected by irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms can be controlled by making changes in your lifestyle, diet, and stress levels.
You might have problems with urinating as well, which usually means that you'll need to go more than you typically do. These urination problems could also lead to a leaky bladder or pain while urinating. These symptoms may be caused by kidney disease or bladder infection, which is why you'll want to have them diagnosed quickly.
Sleep Issues and Stiffness When Waking Up
Most people with fibromyalgia go through difficulties with sleeping. Even if you're able to fall asleep, your sleep may be a light one that's easily disturbed. If you get up in the morning and notice that you're not well-rested or refreshed, it's possible that this issue has been caused by the presence of fibromyalgia.
When paired with fatigue problems, it can be difficult to get things done during the day. When you suffer from fibromyalgia, your brain can remain active while sleeping in a manner that's usually reserved for being awake, which can make it difficult to get the rest that you need.
You should also pay attention to how you feel when you get up in the morning. If the joints and muscles throughout your body seem stiff, take note of how long these problems persist. When they last longer than five minutes, it's possible that you're suffering from fibromyalgia.
Fatigue and Restless Legs Syndrome
Fatigue displays itself as a feeling of having your energy drained and being tired almost constantly. When you're suffering from fatigue, you'll feel tired and worn out even after a lengthy 8-9 hour sleeps the night before.
The levels of fatigue that you'll go through when affected by fibromyalgia can range from mild to severe, which means that you could be worn out from exercising too much or simply from making dinner.
Restless legs syndrome is a common symptom that will occur within your feet and the lower portion of your legs. You'll likely feel as though you need to reposition your legs just to get them feeling comfortable.
Consistent Headaches
When you start to suffer from fibromyalgia, it's possible that you'll begin to experience regular headaches in the form of tension headaches or migraines. The cause of these headaches could be from tender points around your neck or because your neck muscles have tightened.
The pain from tension headaches is usually mild to moderate and can occur on both sides of your head. Migraines are more difficult to deal with and are typically accompanied by sensitivity to sound and light as well as nausea.