In this article, you’ll find the most effective home remedies to combat fatigue. These solutions will work without the unnecessary expense of a doctor’s visit for conventional medicines. These remedies are proven effective and some have been used for thousands of years.
Each solution has a ton of great info and you definitely should check out each one. Choose your favorites and use them to combat feeling tired or worn out. You will beat your fatigue and have energy again. First, you’ll need the rundown on the nature and causes of fatigue.
Then you can read about the 15 best home remedies for fatigue.
What is Fatigue?
The most basic definition of fatigue is a general tiredness or a feeling of being physically or mentally weary. It can be more or less pronounced. Factors contributing to fatigue include how much rest the person regularly gets or whether they’ve been able to eat well and take care of themselves well enough.
Fatigue also can be a more chronic condition where you feel tired, weary, sleepy or worn out pretty much all the time. The diagnosis often is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this case, it usually indicates a health problem, possibly one caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Sometimes the root cause of chronic fatigue can be hard to diagnose.
What Causes Fatigue?
Fatigue can be the result of extended periods of exertion, such as working for days at a physically demanding job, running a marathon, or going on a week-long hiking trip. If you do not have adequate nutrition, if you haven’t been getting enough sleep, or if a chronic condition begins developing from the exertion, fatigue will start setting in.
Other causes are sedentary living habits, a hormonal imbalance, immune system problems, or a viral infection. A good example of viruses causing fatigue is the mononucleosis virus, which can cause extreme fatigue. Other chronic fatigue symptoms are indicative of an imbalance of some kind in the person. There has been little to no physical exertion to cause it.
The person gets plenty of sleep, eats well and gets plenty of exercise outside in the fresh air. Yet, somehow but somehow just can’t kick the fatigue.
How to Avoid Fatigue
One of the best things you can do if you are suffering from fatigue is eliminating the things in your life that drag you down physically or mentally. Working too hard for extended periods, drinking alcohol regularly, eating poorly, not getting enough exercise, or spending too much of your time watching television or using the Internet all are potential causes of fatigue.
Figuring out the actual cause of your fatigue will allow you to address the problem and get your energy and vitality back. First, you need to identify the things you do in life that may be causing the fatigue. Then you can eliminate those things, one by one, and see how it changes your energy levels. If you eat poorly, spending more money on higher-quality foods, such as fresh and organic fruits and vegetables could get you feeling well again.
On the other hand, if you are very sedentary and don’t get much exercise, buying an exercise bike to ride for an hour at a time could get you vibrant and healthy again. You can try any of the following natural remedies and lifestyle changes to combat fatigue, depending on your situation. You’re sure to find several that work. Keep working at it, and your fatigue will be a thing of the past.
Take on a Regular Exercise Routine to Beat the Energy Blues
Exercise can be a great way to get rid of fatigue. If you are not already exercising regularly, you’ll be surprised at how beneficial regular exercise can be for your energy levels. It’s a good idea to start slowly so you don’t overwork yourself, but daily exercise such as walking, swimming or dancing lightly to music indoors can clean out the cobwebs of your mind and get your blood pumping.
Be sure to eat a little something extra that is healthy afterward to give your body some good calories to refuel. After a few weeks of doing this regularly, you’ll see a nice improvement in your energy levels as well as your mood and overall happiness. You’ll also become stronger and able physically.
Eat Healthier Foods in General
One of the best natural remedies for fatigue is eating healthier foods. People often don’t realize how damaging conventional foods are to their overall health. The chemicals and preservatives in those processed foods can have long-term detrimental effects on every aspect of your health, including chronic fatigue.
One key for curing fatigue is using use ingredients such as flour, olive oil, butter, eggs and other farm products that have no chemicals in them. A bonus is that you can spend time cooking, a “chore” that many people find very enjoyable. Buying organic spices to add to your food can add great variety to your meals. If you don’t feel like the usual pasta with basil, thyme, and oregano, you can opt for a spicy meal with cayenne, and add whatever other spices you’d like to adjust the dish’s flavor.
Spices are one of the best home remedies for fatigue. They have healthy substances that can elevate your health and eliminate fatigue. Your mood will be lifted as well by the overall positive effect of eating the best that you can.
Improve Poor Sleeping Habits
Poor sleep habits often are the primary contributor to fatigue. Just changing your sleep habits may cure your fatigue. Reading when going to bed rather than watching television is a significant improvement in sleep habits. If you read, when you begin nodding off you won’t be reawakened by loud commercials in the early morning.
Your bedroom will be quiet all night, allowing you to reach deeper levels of sleep through the night. Another powerful tip for sleep problems is using your bed only when you are going to sleep. If you spend time in bed during the day watching television or just hanging out, your body won’t know it’s time to sleep at night when you lie down at night.
You’ll end up tossing and turning for hours rather than quickly nodding off to sleep. Finally, drinking a glass of warm milk before bed could improve your sleep.
Don’t Overwork Yourself on High Energy Days
Your body needs balance to keep itself vital. If you run ten miles on an energetic day, you may find you are fatigued again for the next week. Use the good days to keep yourself up to speed on chores, exercise, and shopping that you may have fallen behind on, but don’t overdo it.
It could be as easy as making the choice that on high-energy days you will do things that you enjoy that you normally don’t get to do. Make a list of everything you can do when you have energy, but that are not big energy drainers. Then take advantage of your good energy to improve your overall outlook and happiness. Some ideas are playing board games with your family or lying out in the hammock reading a book.
Or, have fun with your hobbies such as jewelry making, knitting or writing poetry. Give yourself rest time, even on the better days, and you’ll find that soon, every day feels like a good energy day.
Drink Health Tonics that Have Proven Healing Properties
One of the advantages of health tonic drinks is they provide a mega-dose of nutrients, vitamins and healing properties while being easy on your digestive system. This helps your system without taxing it. You’ll find these are a great way to cure fatigue. Some of the most powerful tonic ingredients are apple cider vinegar, red beet juice, turmeric, and ginger.
Making your own tonics at home with the freshest ingredients ensures you get the greatest benefit from these powerful foods, but you also can buy tonics from your local health food store. Many are available and you can try a few out one-by-one to see the effect they have on your fatigue. Overall, tonics are one of the surest ways to get rid of fatigue.
Reduce Your Stress Levels
In daily life, your emotional experiences affect your overall energy levels. If you have a stressful job where antagonistic situations drain your energies, or if your daily commute is wearing you down, it may be a good idea to make a change for your overall health and energy levels. A big part of having a healthy, energetic life experience depends on whether you are doing things that make you happy.
Days that are a drag on you emotionally will become a drag on your physical vitality in the long run. Being satisfied with your life is important. Changes you could make for better emotional health could include seeking a job where you have positive co-workers and work duties, or spending time at a favorite park or nature area on a daily basis.
If you experience stress from loneliness at home, you could get a dog or cat to brighten up the place. Dogs are perfect for finding reasons to get outside and enjoy the outdoors and experts say pets can improve your overall emotional health.
Lose Extra Weight to Improve Your Overall Health
Being overweight can cause fatigue. When you have excess weight, your body must work harder to keep itself healthy. Also, being overweight has been linked to many health problems, many of which can contribute to fatigue. One of the best ways to lose weight is to count calories.
You can use a calorie counting app on your mobile device to track how much you eat and keep your calorie intake low. It can be surprising how many calories are in some foods, so using a program that tracks those calories can help you beat your weight problem for good.
Use Homemade Soup Broths
When you make a chicken soup - complete with a variety of vegetables, such as carrot, potato, onion and celery, and a bevy of spices - one of the most beneficial ingredients is the broth. Soup broths have healing properties and they support your body’s functioning more than most other foods can.
You even can cook a pot of soup with twice as much liquid just so you have a substantial amount of hot broth to sip for improving your health. You’ll find that after sipping broth made from whole ingredients you feel more settled, comfortable and that you have more energy. Drinking soup broth as a regular practice can beat your fatigue in the long run. It’s a great solution for regaining your energy.
Seeking Counseling Can Help
Sometimes people need some help to work out why they’re feeling down or unmotivated about their life. You may have an inner conflict with something in your past or another emotional struggle that makes it hard for you to feel motivated about life or about making life changes that really can make you feel energetic again.
You may be depressed because of poor parenting growing up, or you may be harboring unhealthy emotions over a past breakup or grief from a loved one passing away. Counseling from a caring professional who can help you work out your emotional conflicts could open the door to freedom from whatever is bringing you down. Once you’ve pinpointed the cause of the problem, you’ll likely feel motivated again to make lifestyle changes to battle the fatigue.
When you first defeat the causes of feeling down, you’ll have the tools you need to work on your fatigue. If this is the treatment you need, you can put fatigue in your past for good.
Listen to Music or Play Music to Help You Relax and Increase Energy Levels
This is related to the idea that reducing stress can improve your energy. Yet it deserves its own mention because music is such a powerful and beneficial part of life for those who suffer from fatigue. Music can help you take your mind off the day’s troubles and give you an outlet to focus your thoughts on something good in your life.
Whether you put on a classical CD and lounge on the couch resting, or listen to hard rock while doing your exercise, music can put your mind in another place and provide respite from the difficulties of life. Expressing yourself by playing the guitar or flute or singing your own songs to elevate your mood and lift fatigue can be a good answer to the cause of your fatigue.
Overall, music is an emotionally healing solution that is very helpful.
Work in Sync with Your Body’s Natural Rhythms
Some people are morning people, and some work best late in the evening or at night. It’s wise to take this into account in your daily life to prevent burnout and decrease fatigue. Rest is important for people with fatigue. So, if you plan your leisure time during the parts of the day when you have the least energy, you will be replenishing yourself at the ideal time.
Use the time of the day when you have the energy to take care of daily tasks or to do things you enjoy so you won’t be fatigued. Keeping tabs on the rhythms of your body clock over the long haul and conserving your energy could beat your fatigue.
Try Kombucha or Other Probiotic Drinks to Replace Your Body’s Natural Beneficial Bacteria Levels
Probiotics are a big thing today and there is a reason for it. When you drink probiotic drinks regularly, you greatly benefit your digestive health. Poor digestive health can have an overall detrimental effect on your system. So, it may be that your intestines need some support and this is the cause of your fatigue.
Probiotics help to reduce the overall toxic load in your system by consuming the unhealthy substances in your body and extruding substances that are beneficial to your health. They also are known to work alongside your immune system to destroy harmful pathogens.
Eliminate Supplements, Prescription Drugs or Other Substances You’ve Been Taking for a Long Time
We are creatures of habit, so you may have been taking a vitamin or some other pill for a long time without realizing that you are better off without it. Don’t try this without getting your doctor’s advice, but it may be that vitamins or prescription drugs that you take regularly are hurting your energy levels. You may take aspirin daily or you may be taking the same brand of vitamins, and your system may have a toxic load from some unhealthy ingredients in those pills.
Trying a different brand of vitamins, especially ones that come from organic and natural ingredients, you may find that your energy levels rebound. If your primary care doctor doesn’t feel your medications could be the cause of your fatigue, going to a naturopathic doctor or similar natural doctor for their advice could save you from a poor med choice.
Drink Plenty of Healthy Water
In areas where the water supply is of poor quality, drinking bottled water or using a water filter can eliminate substances in the water that are potentially deleterious to your health. Also, having a source of good-tasting water can simply help you to drink as much as you need per day. Constant dehydration can be a cause of debility and fatigue. A way to avoid being tired is drinking enough water each day to allow your body to function as it needs to.Conclusion
You have many options to try getting rid of your fatigue. These fifteen are the best ways to cure it. If you try one out at a time and keep track of your energy levels with a journal, you can detect patterns in your energy levels and get to the bottom of what is causing your fatigue.
The most important thing is that you nurture yourself in your low energy times and don’t overdo it during your higher energy times. What is certain is there is a cause of your fatigue, and if you have a more chronic problem, it is very likely the cause is some imbalance in your activities or your body’s systems. A final recommendation is if you have a regular doctor who hasn’t been able to cure your fatigue, it may be wise to visit a specialist in another area of medicine to get a new perspective on your fatigue.
Some professionals can cure illnesses that your primary care doctor may not be able to heal. You can beat your fatigue. Being proactive in your health care and trying these recommendations may be your way to a cure.