Let's be honest. We all know how incredibly painful and embarrassing it can be to suffer from a build-up of gas and bloating in our system. The whole topic is one that causes both laughter and dread for many of us. In the last decade or so, many people have been trying to improve their health by increasing their plant-based food intake.
Even trying to be more healthy by eating these foods can actually cause more gas for many people. Most everyone on the planet has to eliminate gas approximately fourteen times each day, but it can still cause so much embarrassment. Many people want to know how to get rid of gas.
We have probably all experienced the miserable situation of trying to deal with gas in public. The act of keeping it inside can cause pain and cramping. There are many jokes, memes, and even books written about this universal human experience of having gas. There are many names to describe the methods of releasing gas, ranging from the mature-sounding terms such as flatulence and passing gas to the more comical terms that children find so funny.
Most all of us have dealt with this very human problem. Luckily, there are many simple and natural ways to deal with the issue of gas for those who want to know how to get rid of it. In order to effectively deal with this problem, we need to understand the underlying causes. Stomach bloating occurs when the abdominal cavity fills with gas or air. This can cause the area to feel tight and full, and it can even appear to be swollen.
This often causes pain and discomfort. Gas is normally present in the digestive system, but the amount can depend on the kind of bacteria in the colon and how quickly the digesting food passes from the small to the large intestine. When the system is working normally, people will have gas that forms in the colon, which can be eliminated. However, some bacteria have the ability to produce gas. Undigested food in the gut can cause fermentation and gas.
In addition, the absorption or digestion problems of certain sugars which are associated with pancreatitis and celiac disease can also cause gas. Burping and belching are usually caused by swallowing air. However, many types of the upset stomach can also cause belching as well. If belching helps bring relief, then there is excess gas in the stomach.
If it does not bring relief, then it is more than likely a sign of some other abdominal problem or distress. Another characteristic of gas is an odor. Some gas can be foul-smelling, while other gas has no odor. The characteristic of odor is caused by the types of food eaten and the types of gas that are produced by the bacteria that are present in the colon. Gasses that contain sulfur are particularly foul-smelling. These fifteen methods show how to get rid of bloating and gas.
Many of these suggestions can be used by most everyone to help eliminate the pain and problems associated with excess gas. Today we are going to examine fifteen suggestions for eliminating stomach bloating and gas, as well as pain.
Release the Gas
This may seem pretty obvious. But, when thinking of how to get rid of gas, it is quite natural to simply expel it. This may lead to some pretty funny sounds and smells, but it is a perfectly natural human bodily function. Even fancy movie stars and good-looking models have to get rid of gas each day. Holding it in can just make the situation worse.
Obviously, there are times that we must hold it in and wait until we can get to a restroom to release the gas in privacy. But, if there is a place to release the gas, it is better just to let it out. There are several positions that may help encourage gas to leave the body. Lying on the right side of the body and pulling the knees to the chest can help gas to leave the body. Also, lying on the back and pulling the left leg to the chest can help encourage the gas to be expelled.
Activated Charcoal
Through the years, many people have found relief using activated charcoal. Although nobody is sure exactly how it works, it is thought that the holes in activated charcoal are good spaces for trapping many chemicals. Activated charcoal is given to overdose patients for its ability to gather chemicals within these spaces.
After the drug is soaked up, the charcoal and drug can be removed from the body. And this is possibly the same way that it works to get rid of gas. Of course, it is always best to discuss this remedy with your physician. This medicine is widely available and comes in tablet, capsule, and powder forms. The dosages are included on the packaging.
Drinking Water with Lemon
Many people find relief from drinking warm water with added lemon each morning. Water is good for flushing the system and keeping the body hydrated. In addition, it helps the digestive tract move along like it should. Adding lemon juice makes the water work even more effectively.
Lemon is a detoxifying agent and helps stimulate the body to produce hydrochloric acid. This acid helps break down food in the digestive tract more efficiently. In turn, food that is broken down more efficiently causes less gas.
Lemon Water Recipe:
- 1 Small or Medium Lemon (or 1-2 Tbsp. lemon juice)
- 8 ounces water
Directions: Prepare this drink before eating or drinking anything else. It should be taken on an empty stomach. First, warm the glass of water. It does not have to be hot. Just warm it enough so that it is warm and pleasant to drink, like hot tea. Squeeze the fresh lemon into the water (or stir the lemon juice in).
The amount of lemon can be adjusted for taste, as long as the water is cloudy to ensure that there is enough lemon juice. After stirring, drink the glass of water before eating breakfast for the day.
Go Bananas
Eating bananas is a great way to help relieve gas. They are a great source of fiber, and also contain potassium which helps the body regulate body fluids and relieve gas. Regular banana intake can keep eliminating painful bloating. Bananas can be eaten in pancakes, on cereal, in smoothies, or just right out of the peel.Drink Peppermint Tea
Another time-honored remedy for gas and stomach problems is drinking peppermint tea. It contains the essential oil menthol. There is an antispasmodic in menthol that helps relax the smooth muscle tissue in the digestive tract. In addition, it has the property of soothing nerves which can help calm the stomach. Drinking a cup after a meal can cause the whole stomach and digestive tract to move more calmly and smoothly, which can help keep the effects of nervous tension and stress at bay.
Peppermint Tea Recipe:
- 1 cup of freshly-boiled water
- 1 herbal peppermint tea bag
Apple Cider Vinegar
One way to ease gas is to take a tablespoon of unprocessed, raw apple cider vinegar. The increased acid that the apple cider vinegar adds to the stomach is thought to aid digestion and keep digestive issues away. One tablespoon can be diluted in a glass of water and taken before eating to keep painful gas from forming.Ginger Tea
Ginger is a very common remedy for many kinds of stomach ailments and problems. Most people have been given ginger in some form if they have a stomach issue. There are two particularly helpful chemicals in ginger called shogaols and gingerols.
These chemicals act as an anti-inflammatory as well as a carminative. Carminatives are chemicals that help keep gas from forming, and also help expel gas that is already present. Ginger is said to help nausea, indigestion, and upset stomachs in general.
Ginger Tea Recipe:
- 1 fresh ginger root (available in most grocery produce sections)
- Grater (if desired, or can be cut into small pieces)
- 1 cup boiling water
- Lemon & Honey (optional)
Directions: Boil water. Start with a medium-sized knob of fresh ginger root (about the size of a thumb). Scrub and rinse under clean water. Peel the ginger root knob by using the edge of a spoon. The skin comes off very easily using this method. When the ginger root has been peeled, use a box grater to grate the ginger root, or use a knife to cut into small pieces.
Place the ginger in the bottom of the cup or mug. Add lemon and honey if desired. Pour boiling water over the ginger pieces to steep. Cover with a plate and allow the tea to steep for 10-15 minutes. Enjoy tea either before or after meals to aid with digestion. Another method is just to nibble on a piece of fresh ginger root or eat a tiny bit of freshly grated ginger. There are ginger capsules available at health food stores as well.
Try Pumpkin
Fiber is an important part of our diet, but it is often hard for us to digest. It moves through the digestive tract in bulk. When it does not get broken down in the small intestine, it becomes a meal for bacteria when it moves into the large intestine, which can cause gas. Gas is the byproduct of these bacteria feeding on foods in the large intestine. Pumpkin can be very helpful in digestion by moving these bulk foods through the system gently.
The water content and potassium found in pumpkin can help with gas. It is also low in sugar and starch, and high in Vitamin A. Pumpkin is a very healthy way to help get rid of painful gas issues. Simply add 1 cup of steamed, baked, or broiled pumpkin to meals each day. This can be added to recipes or eaten by itself. Pumpkin is also excellent when added to muffins, soups, and casseroles.
Begin Exercising
It is very helpful to begin exercising when experiencing problems with gas and bloat. Exercise is part of a healthy life. It keeps the digestive tract motility moving, and the physical movement makes expelling gas happen naturally. In addition, exercise helps maintain bowel regularity which also keeps gas moving through the system, instead of building up to an uncomfortable level.Eat Anise Seed
Eating anise seed is an old remedy that works. Anise seed contains some anti-spasmodic properties which soothe the digestive tract and ease gas and bloat. This can keep the cramping from being so painful. It basically helps the body relax and expel the gas. Anise seed can be found in the spice section and sprinkled on food or just munched on. It has a flavor like licorice that a lot of people enjoy.Eat a Healthy Diet
Since gas forms in the digestive tract, what we eat has a major impact on the amount of gas we have. Healthy diets combined with exercise are the best way to keep gas from becoming a painful problem. There are some healthy foods which naturally seem to cause gas. Beans and raw vegetables are some offenders. However, the benefits of a regularly-maintained healthy diet combined with exercise should eventually get the digestive tract expelling natural amounts of gas regularly.Chew Food Well
It seems like such a simple thing, but we need to chew our food more thoroughly. We live in an age of everyone rushing around and meals being consumed on the run. Simply chewing food better can help keep gas from being a problem. Eating too quickly causes more air to be swallowed, which causes the stomach to fill with extra gas. In addition, the added chewing makes the food ready for easier digestion. This easier digestion means less gas will form when food is making its way through the digestive tract.Caraway Seeds
Caraway Seeds have been a long-used remedy to ease gas. There are essential oil compounds in caraway that are known to prevent constipation and move gas from the system. The seeds are also loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Directions: Just eat a pinch of caraway seeds when unable to expel gas, or every morning to keep gas from forming. This can be continued for a few days until the problem is solved. There are also caraway crackers and ground caraway seeds can be added to various foods if chewing the whole seed is not desirable.
They are also available in capsule form. It is best to check with a doctor for the desired amount if utilizing the capsule form.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is another option for getting rid of painful gas in the stomach. It has been used for its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and relaxing properties, and is considered to be a tea that is useful for helping ease gas due to both heartburn and indigestion.
Chamomile Tea Recipe:
- 1 bag of herbal chamomile tea
- 1 cup of boiling water
- Lemon juice and honey (optional)
Probiotics can help stop the pain of gas in the gut. They make the entire digestive system more balanced and are found to be especially effective on symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including gas. Probiotics are thought to restore the healthy flora to the gut. There are many different kinds on the market, but it is best to check with your doctor to find out what kinds are recommended.Conclusion
Many people are dealing with gas problems and want to know how to get rid of bloating and gas. These methods are simple, healthy ways to make sure excessive gas does not cause pain and suffering. It is normal and healthy for people to have gas, and it is actually a kind of relief valve that can help us feel better.
Society often finds it funny or embarrassing, but just remember that everybody has to release gas. It is just one of those funny, strange things in life that we all have in common.