Blog — Natural Remedies

Woman working out at a smith machine

How to Relieve Muscle Soreness from Working Out

Do you frequently workout? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Bench pressing? Squatting? Then you probably have (what am I talking about, you certainly have) experienced the soreness that comes with lifting. That sore feeling you experience from lifting weightsā€”what is it?. Do you know what that soreness is? Is it that pump that everyone is always talking about? In this blog post, we will discuss what soreness is and how to relieve muscle soreness from working out. What is Muscle Soreness? The slowly increasing discomfort and soreness that you feel after working out (usually experienced between 24 to 48 hours...

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PEMF Therapy and Migraines

PEMF Therapy and Migraines

Many people suffer from crippling migraine headaches, resulting in lost time from work and family activities. Unfortunately, many of these individuals lack the hope of an effective treatment, forcing them to simply cope with their condition. Migraine attacks can be brought about by a variety of causes. Some of these include not getting proper sleep, working too hard or living a stressful lifestyle. PEMF Therapy offers hope to those who suffer from this debilitating condition. This article will explain how PEMF works and its uses in treating migraine headaches. What are Migraines? Migraines are headaches that produce strong pain, well...

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PEMF Therapy and Alzheimer's Disease

PEMF Therapy and Alzheimer's Disease

The Alzheimer's Association has stated someone within the United Stated develops this disease every 65 seconds. Alzheimer's is a devastating illness, is often unnoticed and progresses slowly. The advanced stages can interfere with the daily activities of the patients, leaving them unable to take care of themselves. The disease can be managed in some ways through modern medicine, but there is no cure. One option is PEMF therapy and Alzheimer s Disease. This article will help explain PEMF therapy and the ways it can help. What Is Alzheimerā€™s Disease? Alzheimer's is a neurological disorder triggering memory loss and cognitive decline...

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PEMF therapy can be especially effective for dealing with muscle pain, swelling, inflammation.

PEMF and Wound Healing

Getting scrapes and bruises is a part of life. Who hasnā€™t scraped or bruised their skin at least once in their life? In some cases, the damaged skin heals so well you canā€™t even see a scar. But sometimes the damage leaves a scar that stays with you forever. Most wounds heal without a problem, but some wound healing is a much more serious issue. For example, wounds that result from surgery require more care and attention. Itā€™s important for the body to heal properly following surgery. And itā€™s also likely that larger scars can develop following a surgery. Research...

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