Blog — How It Works

Cats experience pain, discomfort, and stress just like the rest of us. Does that mean that they too can benefit from PEMF therapy?

Is PEMF Treatment for Cats Safe?

If you have a cat, you know that making sure they’re happy and healthy is of the greatest importance, and there are so many things we do to ensure that. For example, we buy them toys and make sure they eat the healthiest food just so they can live their best lives. But as they grow older, it’s not uncommon for your cat to lose a bit of their energy and even experience healthy issues. If only there was a way to make sure your cat is the healthiest version of themselves. Well, luckily there is! PEMF therapy is a...

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what is negative ion therapy/how do negative ions work

What is Negative Ion Therapy and How Does It Work

Let’s do a thought experiment like one of those that Albert Einstein is famous for. Except, unlike Einstein, we won’t be using any math or concerning ourselves with science (per se). Instead, let’s imagine we are on a nice path surrounded by nature on all sides. This path leads through green foliage and colorful flowers. Up ahead, is a mountain that’s covered with snow. There is nothing around us. There is no one around us. We seem to have forgotten all of our worries and are out here breathing the fresh, freeing air. Doesn’t this sound nice? Doesn’t it sound...

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What are the benefits of detoxing regularly?

The Benefits of Detoxing Regularly

Chances are you’ve likely heard of detoxing. This wellness trend has really blown up over the past few years. Not only has detoxing become a habit amongst health and wellness enthusiasts, but it has also become a part of pop-culture. This is likely because of celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Jennifer Aniston raving about their recent juice cleanse or other cleansing diet. But what actually is a detox or cleanse? Does it really work? And what are the benefits of detoxing? These are all really good questions you should ask yourself before you start drinking 5 exotic juices for every...

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What is Magnetic Therapy and How Does It Work

What is Magnetic Therapy and How Does It Work

Magnets are a material used in a wide range of everyday items and are used for a variety of purposes. Whether it’s something as simple as a refrigerator magnet or as advanced as an MRI machine, magnets are all around us! The energy that is created by magnets definitely has a lot of uses. But did you know that magnets can be used for therapy? Believe it or not, magnetic therapy has actually been around for a few thousand years, although it has changed in a few ways. The ancient Chinese and Greeks were some of the first practitioners of...

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