

22 Home Remedies for Ear Infection

There are few things in this world more annoying than getting an ear infection. In addition to feeling generally congested, your head also has an aching sensation, making you miserable. When you contract an ear infection, you immediately want it to go away. But how do you make an ear infection go away? What can you do to soothe the pain and irritation? Fortunately, there are tons of home remedies for ear infection available. Here is a list of 22. Olive Oil One of the best home remedies for ear infections is to use olive oil. Olive oil provides tremendous...

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PEMF Benefits

Wellness Benefits of PEMF Therapy

What is PEMF To scientific researchers, the acronym PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. But to your body, PEMF is a cellular tuneup. To date, much has been researched and written about how to reverse the natural effects of aging and repair bodily dysfunction at the cellular level. Yet there is still too little known about proven methods for achieving this goal. However, there’s one exception: PEMF. More than 2,000 medical studies now support the efficacy of PEMF to help rebalance and restore the body to proper wellness levels. More significantly, these findings have held true, regardless of the type...

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Wellness Benefits of Far Infrared Rays (FIR)

What is FIR? You might remember from your high school physics class that the sun is eight minutes from the earth at the speed of light. The sun is the source for most of our light, and it creates solar radiation. That radiation is electromagnetic, and it’s defined by wavelength. The whole electromagnetic spectrum contains what we see (i.e., visible light), but it also contains six other components: radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves (IR), ultraviolet waves (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays. The wavelength for visible light falls between IR and UV. (1) Our sensory systems process sunlight in several ways....

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Wellness Benefits of Negative Ions

Negative ions benefit the health and wellness of you and your family and I bet you’ve never even heard of them. In this blog post, we will review the many potential health benefits of negative ions and how you can use this knowledge to help achieve optimal wellness potential. But first, let's learn about these mysterious entities. What Are Negative Ions? Before we can learn about the benefits of negative ions, we first must answer the question: What are negative ions? Negative Ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible to the naked eye. These molecules can be found near mountains, beaches,...

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