

22 Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition, affecting 7.5 million people in the U.S., in which the skin cells turn over too quickly. What happens next is that skin cells build up because the natural shedding process isn't taking place in its proper way. The piling-up of cells creates the psoriatic condition of scales and flaky skin, with the resultant burning, itching, and pain. The most common type is plaque psoriasis, in which patches of skin are red, raised, and have silvery-white flakes called scales. About half of psoriasis sufferers have scalp psoriasis which is powdery silver or white. Sometimes the...

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20 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

Age spots, which are also called liver spots or sun spots, are actually caused by accumulated sun damage, not by aging. These brown spots tend to occur on those who have fair skin and spend time in tanning beds or go outside without skin protection. Although liver spots pose no serious health risks, they are not aesthetically pleasing. Medical treatments like chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, and laser therapy can make sun spots look less noticeable; however, these treatments can be costly, and they come with the risk of negative side effects. These 20 home remedies for age spots are affordable,...

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16 Proven Home Remedies for UTI

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is among the more common types of infection, especially for women. As many as 50% of women could end up with a UTI during their lives, and for many women, it happens multiple times. While UTIs aren’t as common for men because of differences between the sexes, they can still occur. Since the urethra in women is close to the anus, it’s easier for bacteria from the anus to reach the urethra and then go to the bladder. Women also have a shorter urethra than men, so bacteria don’t need to travel as far. A...

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13 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, also known by the official name Onychomycosis, is a silent and largely superficial infection that more than 5% of the population will struggle with at some point in their lives. Toenail fungus is typically marked by the yellowing of the toenail as well as its eventual transition to a thickened, brittle surface. What causes toenail fungus? Well, typically sweaty shoes, damp environments, and dirty socks are to blame. Fungus thrives in dark, warm, and damp environments, and it can easily spread. Think of a gym locker room or your shoes after a long day hiking. Article Navigation #13...

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