Blog — PEMF

Arthritis is a debilitating state that can rob you of your ability to perform basic functions. PEMF arthritis treatment can help you keep your functions intact.

What to Know About PEMF Arthritis Treatment

Suffering from any kind of pain can be a speed bump you have to go over every day. Specifically, arthritis can make you feel stiff and rigid–almost as if your body is unwilling to do simple movements. There are a few ways to deal with arthritis such as medication or physical therapy, but did you know PEMF can help with arthritis pain, too? Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, also known as PEMF, is a revolutionary method of holistic, natural healing that influences your body to optimize healing. The list of ailments that PEMF therapy has been effective against seems to grow...

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We know that PEMF has a profound impact on cells whose magnetic fields are not operating properly. Can it have the same effect on cancer?

Using PEMF Treatment for Cancer

Pulsed electromagnetic therapy has distinct properties that allow it the ability to alleviate many ailments. From arthritis to depression, PEMF therapy can help to take care of so many issues, but one common problem that doesn’t always pop up is cancer. There are various types of cancers that can pop up in various stages and in multiple areas of the body. Whereas PEMF therapy has shown promise with other conditions, does it work the same way on cancerous cells? Here we will explore using PEMF treatment for cancer and if it is a viable method of treatment. What is PEMF?...

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Regular forms of pain relief come with side effects that can range from mild to intense. Does PEMF therapy have any side effects like that?

Are There Any PEMF Therapy Side Effects?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, or PEMF for short, is a beneficial form of natural therapy aimed at alleviating pain and improving your overall level of wellness. With the ability to soothe muscles and joints, increase circulation, mitigate migraine symptoms, and improve your range of motion, it might seem like PEMF therapy is a never-ending list of positive effects on the body and mind. Many people ask whether there are any side effects to using a PEMF enabled device. While it is rare to come across a side effect in using PEMF therapy, there are a few that people have reported...

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what is pemf treatment

What is PEMF Treatment?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, otherwise known as PEMF therapy, has shown immense promise in the area of holistic healing. A form of non-invasive treatment, PEMF therapy has been touted as a suitable replacement for traditional pain medication. Magnetic therapy in general has been used in one form or another for centuries. But what is PEMF treatment, and how does it benefit you specifically? Here we will explore the origins of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, its advancements, and how to use it in order to achieve the results you want. How Did PEMF Therapy Get Started? PEMF treatment came together and...

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