Blog — PEMF

Therapies Complementary to PEMF

Therapies Complementary to PEMF

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, better known by the abbreviation, PEMF, is an alternative treatment process that utilizes pulsing electromagnetic waves in order to recharge cellular energy, which helps to treat a variety of different health problems. This type of health treatment, which is quickly gaining traction and positive attention in the medical field, is said to be perfect for those who are looking for a form of preventative treatment, who are currently looking for a way to alleviate some of the symptoms of specific health issues, or for those who are simply looking to improve their health altogether. Because it...

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PEMF Therapy Myths

PEMF Therapy Myths

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. This expanding treatment approach addresses health issues with electromagnetic wave pulses. There has been quite a bit of skepticism regarding this technology because so many people believe the various PEMF therapy myths and do not understand the basic concept of the therapy. For these reasons, the internet has contained a lot of conflicting information. Anyone researching PEMF will find a wide variety of confusing information on different forums and sites. This makes the wariness of the potential users of this technology understandable. If you are confused, this article is the right place to...

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PEMF Therapy and Bone Fractures

Using PEMF therapy to fix a bone fracture can help it heal faster, and get stronger and healthier even after it has been injured. Having a fracture heal fast is important as this allows your bones to get back its strength and be able to tackle the stress of your everyday activities. A fracture can also be very painful, so it can be a good and important thing that it heals as quickly as possible. You can heal your bone fracture and get your life back to normal by using some natural remedies alongside the usual treatments that you would...

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PEMF Benefits

Wellness Benefits of PEMF Therapy

What is PEMF To scientific researchers, the acronym PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. But to your body, PEMF is a cellular tuneup. To date, much has been researched and written about how to reverse the natural effects of aging and repair bodily dysfunction at the cellular level. Yet there is still too little known about proven methods for achieving this goal. However, thereā€™s one exception: PEMF. More than 2,000 medical studies now support the efficacy of PEMF to help rebalance and restore the body to proper wellness levels. More significantly, these findings have held true, regardless of the type...

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