Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, otherwise known as PEMF, has shown high levels of effectiveness in dealing with pain and inflammation. But dealing with a neurodegenerative disorder like Parkinson’s disease can be a completely different task.
There is no known cause for Parkinson’s disease, and it can afflict people of any age. Parkinson’s disease can rob people of their ability to operate or control their body, so it might be comforting to know whether PEMF therapy can help. Here we will discuss whether you can confidently use PEMF for Parkinson’s disease.
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that slowly, but surely, shuts your body down and takes away your ability to move freely. It has been acknowledged by the medical community that, while Parkinson’s is generally thought of to be a physical disease, there are non-physical issues that can be brought on by Parkinson’s as well, like depression, hallucinations, and even dementia.
While there isn’t one uniform progression of symptoms when it comes to Parkinson’s disease (many people experience Parkinson’s disease differently), it generally moves forward in stages. Stage one of Parkinson’s disease involves a mild onset of symptoms. You might experience movement symptoms, differences in posture, gait, and facial expressions. Tremors may start at this stage as well. Tremors can be sporadic in nature, appearing in limbs at rest and then disappearing when in motion.
Tremors normally impact your hands, but can also show up in legs, lips, and the entire jaw. The tremors can interfere with your ability to perform precise movements with your hands, but they only tend to affect one side of your body at this stage. Stage two sees a worsening in symptoms that now spread to the other side of your body. Tremors become more apparent, limbs become rigid, and your posture becomes noticeably changed. You can still perform basic functions but they will be more difficult and take more time.
Stage three marks the beginning of a loss in balance. At this stage, trips and falls will become more likely. Movement will slow down noticeably. More daily activities will be hindered by the continual onset of symptoms. At stage four, you can no longer live on your own while dealing with Parkinson’s disease symptoms. You might need help standing or walking. It is near impossible to perform regular daily acts without significant help. Stage five is considered the most advanced stage. Rigidity in your limbs can make it impossible to walk.
As this is the most debilitating stage, you will require constant monitoring. You may also experience delusions and hallucinations. At this moment there is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease. Any treatment for Parkinson’s focuses on the symptoms of the disease. Parkinson’s disease can occur within young and old alike, though it’s more common in the elderly.
What is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF therapy is a form of healing that involves electromagnetic fields being delivered into the body to recharge the cells inside of you. PEMFs are delivered in waves, and those waves can be altered in intensity, form, and frequency to result in different effects on the body. PEMF therapy has already seen major success when used to treat other health issues including low back pain, multiple sclerosis, and even cancer. In most studies involving Parkinson’s patients, transcranial pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is used during treatment.
In this form of PEMF therapy, an apparatus is placed on your head, just above your forehead. Once positioned, PEMFs are delivered to the region of the brain that manages mood control. The idea behind these treatments is to use the magnetic pulse to reanimate dormant parts of the brain that cause depression. While there are very few side effects, if any, involved with PEMF therapy, the transcranial form can cause some irritation at the site of stimulation.
Also, some people have reported experiencing slight headaches and/or lightheadedness with T-PEMF use. Medically administered T-PEMF can be adjusted to an adequate level for your unique symptoms.
Can You Use PEMF for Parkinson’s Disease?
PEMF therapy has already shown promise in multiple studies for various bodily illnesses through the use of several tests. With Parkinson’s disease, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy seems to be especially effective in helping patients deal with their symptoms. According to studies, PEMF therapy “improves…symptoms including tremor, slowness of movement, and difficulty in walking.”
PEMF has been approved for use by Parkinson’s patients for depressive disorder when those patients have not shown a positive reaction to high levels of medication. Once administered, PEMF therapy has been shown to improve the motor symptoms and cognitive functions of Parkinson’s patients. One study, which involved a stage three Parkinson’s patient showed great improvement in both non-motor and motor symptoms. Parkinson’s related issues, such as sleeplessness, mood swings, and bouts of pain, all got better with PEMF therapy.
Another study showed PEMF’s effectiveness in Parkinson’s patients with macrosomatognosia, a disorder where the patient perceives one or more parts of their body as being disproportionately large. After receiving PEMF therapy, the Parkinson’s patients showed significant improvements in how they viewed themselves.
How to Receive PEMF Therapy for Parkinson’s at Home
Having access to PEMF therapy in your own home can be extremely helpful when handling symptoms from the later stages of Parkinson’s disease. As you progress through the stages, everyday functions will become slightly harder to perform.
When Parkinson’s causes you to be unable to move around freely, having a convenient PEMF device can work wonders for your symptoms and can help you regain some of that lost function HealthyLine PEMF devices are made to deliver natural therapies whenever you want and from the comfort of your own home. Combined with four other forms of natural therapies, the inherent healing factors of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy are complemented, enhancing your overall level of wellness.
Far Infrared therapy helps you to experience reduced minor muscle pain, joint pain, and stiffness. Negative ions help to relax you, improve your mood, and might even take away a headache or two. Photon light therapy has the ability to encourage nerve regeneration, improve motor function, promotes better wound recovery, and can even improve your skin.
Heated stone therapy helps to relax your muscles, relieve tension, and improve blood circulation which allows oxygen to travel more efficiently. If you’re looking for a way to help manage your Parkinson’s disease symptoms, consider taking advantage of HealthyLine’s array of PEMF-enabled mats. The TAJ-Mat™ Full Short 6024 Firm - Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro® (shown above) can become a welcome fixture for treatments of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Receive PEMF therapy in the form of a mat instead of a device you place on your head. Take advantage of a PEMF-based treatment at your convenience instead of having to schedule an appointment and travel to a doctor. If you’d like a more flexible version of the TAJ-Mat, then the TAJ-Mat™ Chair 4018 Firm - Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro® would be a more suitable solution.
The TAJ-Mat Chair offers the same wellness therapies and benefits as the previous mat, albeit in a folding form. The TAJ-Mat Chair can contour to almost any seat you want it to. Whether it’s at home on your couch, sitting up in bed, or in a wheelchair, the TAJ-Mat Chair can provide you with natural therapies that will help you manage your Parkinson’s symptoms.
In Conclusion
Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating condition that gradually takes our bodies away from us. Over time, the ability to function normally is diminished to the point that we need professional assistance to live. Outside of motor skills, cognitive changes can occur as well. Changes in your mood, such as anxiety or depression, can be common with Parkinson’s patients.
Parkinson’s disease can literally turn you into a completely different person. PEMF therapy has the ability to improve motor skills in Parkinson’s patients as well as improve and normalize the patient’s mood. HealthyLine focuses on providing the right equipment to enhance your levels of wellness at home and on the go. By adding a PEMF-enabled device to your home, you have the ability to treat some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease without the detriment of side effects.
If you’re living with Parkinson’s disease, consider adding a PEMF-enabled mat from HealthyLine to your household today!