As you may be aware, there are sellers online, both Chinese and even “American,” who offer mats that may appear similar at a lower price. However, it’s important to note that these are merely low-quality copies of genuine gemstone mats. These imitations can be potentially harmful because they lack a real brand behind them to take responsibility for the product.
To assist customers in need, we have introduced the Light version of our popular bestselling model. While it is more affordable, it still maintains great quality and comes with HealthyLine’s excellent warranty. The Light version provides nearly the same level of benefits as our other mats, with a cost reduction of 30% by removing less essential layers. The effectiveness is only marginally reduced by 10%. However, we still recommend choosing our FULL version ( if you can afford it. If budget is a concern, it is crucial to avoid purchasing cheap, harmful imitations from unknown brands. Our Light version is still a hundred times better than any non-brand mat available.
Rest assured that all our products are completely safe and free from electromagnetic fields (EMF). In the Light version, we have removed the charcoal and yellow mud layers, as well as the hard cotton layer to increase flexibility for easy rolling. While the stones in this version provide about 10% less powerful far infrared and negative ions compared to our other mats, our intention is to protect low-income consumers from investing in unknown, low-quality products. These imitations often expose users to high EMF levels, lack natural far infrared and negative ions, contain no functional layers, and may even use artificial stones.
The new Light edition of our bestselling model is designed with fewer internal layers, making it lighter, more flexible, and more affordable. The stones are flat and the components are softer, providing a comfortable surface to lie on. The mat is shipped folded in four and can be easily rolled up. The most beneficial setup involves a mix of both types of stones. You can use the mat on the floor or place it on top of your bed, for any duration of sleep or at least one hour per day. To protect the unit from sweat and your skin from hot stones, always place a towel on top of the mat. This will not affect the mat’s features. Choose a comfortable temperature ranging from 40°C to 50°C.
Gemstone mats are commonly used for natural therapy, but HealthyLine’s deep penetrating heat therapy pad stands out in terms of quality and effectiveness. It is more advanced compared to others on the market. Our mats are made using some of the finest jade and tourmaline stones, which work together excellently to promote wellness. The mat utilizes advanced Far-Infrared (FIR) technology, which involves energy waves penetrating through the nine layers to initiate the remedial process.