Score points with your athletes and help them take their game to the next level by using our patented Far Infrared Rays/PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) devices that combine 3 natural therapies:
Natural Heated Gemstones Therapy – Soothing heat releases tension in the body and relaxes muscles before and after workouts.
Far Infrared Rays Therapy – Deep penetrating natural rays accelerate the blood flow to improve performance and speed up recovery.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Therapy – 20 minutes of exposure a day, charges cellular functionality for enhanced wellness.
Contact us today to learn more about possible long-term cooperation and special athletic discounts.
Your athletes will benefit in 3 distinctive areas needed to achieve and maintain the world-class level.

Elevated Performance:
- Advanced natural therapies help with overall sports performance
- An all natural approach – no medicine, no injections, and no pills
- Increased blood flow before activity boosts energy, strength, and stamina
- Push the body beyond its limits to reach new personal goals
- Improve breathing capabilities for superior endurance levels

Accelerated Recovery:
- Manage aches and pains following workouts and games
- Refresh energy levels at a faster rate after activity
- Train harder and avoid soreness the following day
- Send oxygen to joints and muscles to alleviate pressure and strains
- Shorten the recovery time for injuries keeping players off the field

Natural Injury-Prevention:
- Decrease the likelihood of injuries throughout the season with natural therapies
- Loosen muscles to avoid pulls, tears, and strains that can cause players to miss games
- Decrease the pressure and force placed on the body
- Detoxification of waste and metals to maximize the lightness of steps
- Improvement to quality of rest and ability to sleep