Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas: Why You Should Get an InfraMat Pro for Your Loved One

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Valentine’s Day Box of Chocolates: valentine's day gift ideas

Images of Cupid, chocolates, and candy hearts are everywhere. What does all of this mean? It means love is in the air. It means… Valentine’s Day is almost here! And it means it’s time to start thinking about what gifts you should get your loved one.

It can be hard to figure out just what to get the person you love. In this blog post, we will give you some Valentine’s Day gift ideas that will help you win over the person you care about the most. 


What is Valentine’s Day: An Interesting History 

There isn’t much known about the patron saint of Valentine’s Day. In fact, there are three contenders who may be the real St. Valentine. However, what is known is that before Valentine’s Day became a holiday about love, cards, and candy, February was a month about love. It seems to have always been a month about love. 


Containing both Christian and ancient Roman traditions, Valentine’s Day is a conglomeration of multiple histories, beliefs, and previous celebrations such as Lupercalia, a pagan holiday that took place on the 15th of February in dedication to the Roman god of agriculture.  


Even the representation of Cupid is steeped in Roman mythology and tradition. 


Whatever the case is, today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the world as a holiday dedicated to love and the people we love most. Chocolates, candies, hearts, and cards represent this love. 


Also, gifts play an intricate role in the celebration, not just candies and chocolates. As always, you want to make sure you can give the gift that keeps on giving. Which is why, gifts related to health and wellness goals are not too far off as good, solid gifts for the holiday. Especially since Valentine’s Day follows the New Year. 


Give the Gift of Wellness for the New Year 

Valentine’s Day is in mid-February which happens to coincide with when most people quit their New Year’s resolutions. In fact, every year about 60 percent of people make a New Year’s resolution. Unfortunately, about 8 out of 10 people fail. Most fail their New Year’s resolution by mid-February. Perhaps Valentine’s Day chocolates are the culprit? 


Some of the most common New Year Resolutions are: 

  • Complete my New Year’s resolution
  • Try something new
  • Stay motivated
  • Be healthier
  • Workout
  • Diet 


As you can see, the most common theme for New Year’s resolutions is health, wellness, and being active. It’s true, being healthy and active is not an easy feat. There are a lot of obstacles in the way. That’s why anything that can help boost our efforts can be helpful. 


One such health and wellness booster is the Inframat Pro by HealthyLine. We can assure you, it makes a great gift for Valentine’s Day and for those who want to be healthy. 


Inframat Pro 

The Inframat Pro is the flagship product line for HealthyLine’s advanced wellness devices. There are a wide range of Inframat Pro products, so you can always find the perfect one you’re looking for—the perfect one for that special someone.

Many of these devices offer hot stones, far-infrared, pulsed electromagnetic fields, negative ions, and photon light therapy. Here’s a rundown of each of these therapies: 

    • Hot Stone Therapy: Hot stone therapy uses gemstones (like amethyst, tourmaline, and Jade) to help ease muscle and joint pain. 
    • Far-Infrared Therapy: Far-infrared ray therapy uses infrared light to penetrate deep into the skin. FIR warms the body from the inside out to deliver its benefits including muscle recovery and temporary muscle and joint pain relief. 
  • PEMF Therapy: A non-invasive treatment that attempts to reduce pain and inflammation in the body using pulsed electromagnetic waves. HealthyLine’s PEMF therapy uses the same wavelengths as the Earth’s magnetic field to essentially recharge the body. Benefits of PEMF therapy include increased blood flow and revitalizing the body on a cellular level.
  • Negative Ion Therapy: Found in nature, these elements are not common where people live. This is unfortunate because they offer the following benefits: improved sleep and encouraged relaxation.
  • Photon Light Therapy: Photon light therapy uses red photon lights to penetrate the skin and deliver health and wellness benefits including reduced inflammation and improved circulation. 


Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Now that you have an idea of what the Inframat Pro can offer, it’s time to see the many great Inframat Pros that will make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift! 


1) Mesh JT Mat Full 7224 Soft InfraMat Pro®

One of our most popular models, the Mesh JT 7224 InfraMat Pro® delivers far-infrared and negative ion therapy with hot gemstones to soothe and calm your body and mind. Because of its versatile design, it makes it the best entry-level model for a beginner. Makes a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day! 

Mesh JT Mat Full 7224 Soft InfraMat Pro®

Get one today!

2) TAJ-Mat™ Full 7224 Firm – Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Delivering hot stone, far-infrared ray, negative ion, PEMF, and Photon Light Therapy, this is the perfect mat for that special someone. They will experience the soothing relief of up to 5 therapies all at once. Give the gift of health and wellness with the TAJ-Mat 7224. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

TAJ-Mat™ Full 7224 Firm - Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Purchase it today!

3) TAO-Mat® Chair 4018

The TAO-Mat Chair can be used at home, at work, in the car, or on-the-go. With this versatile and portable device you can easily relieve pain and tension whenever and wherever you need it. Your loved one will experience the calming benefits of pulsed electromagnetic field, far-infrared, and gemstone therapy on-the-go. Get a gift for your loved one that can be used when and where they need it. 

TAO-Mat® Chair 4018

Buy the TAO-Mat® Chair today!

4) TAJ-Mat™ Chair 4018 – Photon PEMF

Like the TAO-Mat™ Chair, the TAJ-Mat™ Chair is wonderfully versatile and excitingly portable. It’s the only chair model that offers photon light and PEMF therapy together. It is the perfect wellness device designed to prevent minor aches and pains during long days at the office, long nights in front of the TV, and everything in-between.

TAJ-Mat™ Chair 4018 - Photon PEMF

Get the TAJ-Mat™ Chair!

5) TAO-Mat® King 8076 Firm – Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Check out the most innovative gemstone therapy mat on the market. Delivering far-infrared, hot stone, negative ions, PEMF, and photon light therapy, this mat offers 5 natural therapies in one. This is the perfect gift to experience the wellness defining benefits of these 5 therapies with a loved one. Two can fit on this expansive full-sized device. 

TAO-Mat® King 8076 Firm - Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Buy it today!

6) 360 Wrap Mat™ TAJ&SOFT Full 7224 – Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Your loved one will experience deep-penetrating far-infrared and PEMF therapy like never before. This model features a mat from our TAJ Series and SOFT series. Enjoy the comfort of the SOFT Series with the 5-in-1 benefits of the TAJ Series This amazing mat delivers a 360-degree wellness defining experience. It makes the perfect gift for that special loved one.

Cocoon-Mat™ TAJ&SOFT Full 7224 - Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro®

Get it today!

7) Pet Mat™ T Medium 3220 Firm – PEMF

Everyone loves their pet and wants them to live the best and happiest life possible. That’s why the Pet-Mat makes a great Valentine’s Day gift. Created for pets, heated tourmaline combines with patented PEMF technology to provide temporary pain relief for pets.

Pet Mat™ T Medium 3220 Firm - PEMF

Purchase one today! 

8) Mesh JT Mat Full 7224

Help your loved one discover relief like never before! The most versatile mesh mat is perfect for bringing natural recovery home, on-the-go, or even to work. Incorporate relaxing heat into your life with the lightweight JT Mesh Pad Medium. A best seller with its simple features, combining large flat jade and tourmaline gemstones while remaining flexible. Experience comfort like never before. 

Mesh JT Mat Full 7224

Get one today!


Valentine’s Day with HealthyLine

Cupid, chocolates, and candy hearts are everywhere. Valentine’s Day is nearly here. It’s time to find the perfect valentine’s day gift for your loved one that will promote their wellness. 

At HealthyLine, we understand how hard it can be to find the right gift. Which is why we put together these Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Now you know the perfect gift to get your loved one who wants to stay true to their New Year’s resolution, or live a happier, more balanced life with a wellness enhancing device like the Inframat Pro. 

Since 2013, HealthyLine has been the leading innovator in gemstone heat therapy technology. Based in New York, our luxury wellness products combine natural materials and various technologies, such as pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), far-infrared therapy (FIR),  photon light therapy, negative ion therapy, and magnetic therapy to create advanced heating mats designed for health and wellness.

Find the right gemstone therapy mat designed with your loved one in mind, today! 

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