HealthyLine offers businesses and entrepreneurs the unique opportunity to become an affiliate by joining our Affiliate Partner Program. As a HealthyLine Affiliate Partner, you can easily earn a commission on every product you sell.
How the Affiliate Partner Program Works
With 3 easy steps you can start earning money with each HealthyLine product you sell. After signing up for the Affiliate Partner Program, you will receive an initial email with all the details on how you can earn commission easily—as easy as 1-2-3.
1) Your affiliate code: With an affiliate code, referrals earn free shipping and you earn a commission from each purchase.
2) Your Affiliate Link: If you have a website, you can share your affiliate link online.
3) Linked Banners and Photos: You can feature our products with one of the many linked photos we have included on your affiliate dashboard.
You are in control of how clients discover HealthyLine products. APPLY NOW!
Why Choose the Partner Program?
The question shouldn’t be “Why choose the Partner Program?” it should be “Why not choose the Partner Program?”
Our state-of-the-art devices, such as the Inframat Pro, offer far-infrared (FIR), pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), negative ion, and photon light therapy to optimize wellness. Our revolutionary devices can be used to help relieve joint and muscle pain, sleeplessness, stress, and much more.
As an entrepreneur with a focus on the wellness of your clients, you can see how our products can help enhance your work and aid your clients’ goals. You can earn a commission rate of 20% per product. With the average product price of about $700, that means you can earn $140 on just one sale. And we will supply you with promotional items such as booklets, posters, and flyers to make selling easier.
There's boundless possibilities for what you can do to earn a commission and improve your clients’ wellness.
Less Hassle, Less Effort
We do all the heavy lifting, so you don't have to. Whether you have HealthyLine booklets at your office or have exclusively posted your affiliate link on social media, you will earn money on every sale. Not to mention, you don't have to stress about all the minor details. We ship the products for you. All you have to do is use your affiliate code or link. It's that easy.
We will provide you with all the materials you need, from print supplies to media—we make the whole process as easy for you as possible. We handle everything. And when we say everything, we mean everything. We handle the shipping, customer service, and inventory so you can focus on doing what you love.
A Product To Be Proud Of
HealthyLine is an American company registered with the FDA. We have a passion for spreading natural relief around the world. By becoming an Affiliate Partner, you will be spreading the word about products people have called life-changing. We have the world’s largest selection of far-infrared and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy heated gemstone mats and offer only the highest quality products at all price ranges. So you and your clients can find the perfect device at any price point.
Not to mention, our products are backed by a 90-day risk-free trial and up to a 5-Year Free Limited Extended Warranty, which ensures you and your clients will have the highest possible service.
Grow Your Business Today
As an entrepreneur or business owner, you're always looking for a way to grow your company. That's why the HealthyLine Affiliate Partner Program is just for you.
Sign up for the Affiliate Partner Program and form a unique partnership that will help grow your business and earn you money.