Blog — PEMF and Illnesses


PEMF Therapy and Arthritis

If you would like to successfully treat arthritis in a way that is non-invasive and doesn't have any risky side effects, you might be interested in a solution called PEMF. In this article, we'll discuss how PEMF can treat your arthritis, decrease your symptoms, and increase the quality of the life of anyone who has to deal with this difficult disease. Researchers have done many studies on this exact issue. These studies have proved the positive effects that PEMF can have on arthritis. PEMF can also help with many other medical issues. However, this article will only discuss the promising...

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PEMF Therapy and Insomnia

What Is Insomnia? Insomnia is a condition that affects an individual's sleep habits. For instance, it causes some people to have a hard time falling asleep, and then for some, once they have fallen asleep, it causes them difficulty staying asleep during the REM stage, also known as the dream stage, which is the stage of sleep that is crucial for brain development, overall tissue repair, and the increased production of proteins. Insomnia can be both short-term and long-term; however, long-term insomnia can cause various side effects, including daytime drowsiness, exhaustion, and weariness. It can also cause physical and mental...

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PEMF Therapy and Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage. Also referred to as peripheral neuropathy, this condition affects the nerves that lead from the spinal column to the outer regions of the body. This includes the arms, legs, hands, and feet. It may not be easy to determine the exact cause of neuropathy, especially because it is generally seen as a result of another underlying medical condition, such as diabetes. Many treatments for neuropathy involve simply addressing the symptoms that are associated with this disease, while others involve addressing the underlying disorder that led to the development of neuropathy. Because some treatments...

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PEMF Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis

Over 2.1 million people in the world have been affected by multiple sclerosis. Every week, 200 more people are diagnosed. All demographics and ages are impacted, but women between twenty and fifty are the most common. Multiple sclerosis or MS is hard to treat because the cause of the disease remains unknown. The goal of the treatment is to prevent the disease from progressing and relieve the symptoms. Some results have been seen with traditional treatment but there are doubts. One treatment option is PEMF therapy. What is Multiple Sclerosis? MS is a disease that attacks a person's central nervous...

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