New Year’s Resolutions Life Hacks

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A New Year, a new you. That’s what the New Year is all about. That’s why New Year’s resolutions have become so popular. It’s a chance to reinvent yourself. It’s the open-door possibility of becoming a new, better you. Most New Year’s resolutions are about weight loss or muscle gain. Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, we want you to succeed. That’s why we put together this blog post. 


In this blog post, we will focus on New Year’s resolutions life hacks. These life hacks are designed to help you not only grow into the person you wanted to become but also help you succeed at completing your New Year’s resolutions by the end of the year. We believe in you; it’s time you start believing in yourself.  


New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, millions of people start their New Year’s resolutions. Around 60 percent of people worldwide make New Year’s resolutions. Among those, only 8 to 20 percent actually complete their New Year’s resolutions. So roughly 80 percent of people fail their resolutions; most fail by mid-February. 


This shows that it can be hard to complete your resolutions. Why is it that so many people fail at their resolutions? Could it be because they didn’t try? Could it be because they didn’t have it in them to complete their resolutions? None of these reasons are remotely true. People fail because they try too hard; or set up resolutions without realistic expectations. 


It’s like going to the gym expecting to run a marathon before you completed your first mile. You need to give yourself the time and work yourself up to your goals. For example, if your goal was to run a marathon, then you would start running on the treadmill for a minute, then longer. You’d break down the year into increments. Maybe the first month you run a mile 3 to 5 days a week. The second month you run 2 miles 3 to 5 days a week. And like that, you work your way up to December, where you run your first marathon. 


Before we go over important New Year’s Resolutions life hacks, let’s give some ideas of what New Year’s resolutions you can do this year. 


New Year’s Resolutions Ideas


It’s never too late to start your New Year’s resolutions. Every day is a new day to start fresh. That’s why we’re offering a list of resolutions you can start. We know it can be hard to choose what you want to focus on this year. There are a ton of different resolutions to choose from. 


Here are some of the more popular resolutions: 

  • Complete My New Year’s Resolution
  • Improve Concentration 
  • Stop Procrastinating
  • Get into Shape
  • Eat Healthier 
  • Reduce Stress
  • Get More sleep


Complete My New Year’s Resolution

This may seem strange, but one of the biggest New Year’s resolutions is to complete a New Year’s resolution. This may sound like a paradox, but this is usually paired with another New Year’s resolution. To succeed at this resolution, it’s best to pair it with a resolution that you know works for you. 


Improve Concentration 

Year in and year out, people always try to find the best way they can improve their concentration. Whether it’s trying to concentrate at work or concentrating at school; it can be hard to concentrate. To ensure you’re successful with this, you want to plan ahead. There are tons of different ways you can achieve this. You might consider apps, such as ones that lock your internet so when you’re on your computer you can’t get distracted from school work. 


Get into Shape

Probably the number one resolution, getting into shape can be a hard challenge for many since it involves going to the gym or doing physical activity. If you decide to get into shape this year, try to have realistic expectations. Don’t say: “I want to bench 300 pounds.” Instead, focus on realistic progress that you can achieve. Work your way up to your goal, as we discussed with running above. 


Eat Healthier 

Eating healthier is probably one of the hardest things to do. Especially after the New Year. Because from November to December, the holidays ensure we eat the worst foods possible. We might even grow accustomed to eating these bad foods, too. So, set realistic goals you can meet for the first month (and throughout the year). 


Reduce Stress

Stress in America has been conducting surveys since 2007, asking respondents about their stress. The majority of Americans suffer from stress-related issues every single day and year-over-year analysis indicates that stress keeps going up. There’s no wonder why reducing stress is a big New Year’s resolution. To succeed in reducing your stress, you want to make sure you set yourself up for success. There are several ways you can reduce your stress including using a gemstone heat therapy mat with built-in PEMF or FIR therapy like the Rainbow-Mat™ by HealthyLine. You don’t have to go at it alone to succeed in your New Year’s resolutions.  


Get More Sleep

According to a survey by the CDC, 35 percent of American adults do not get enough sleep. In fact, 39 percent of participants reported less than 7 hours of sleep. As an adult, you want to get more than 7 hours of sleep. If you want to succeed as your goal for getting more sleep, then you want to make sure you have everything to your advantage. One way to ensure you get better sleep is to use a far-infrared ray (FIR) mat. Studies show it can help you sleep a good night’s sleep. Some popular FIR products are gemstone heat therapy mats and far-infrared pillows


Now, without further ado, some New Year’s resolutions life hacks!  

6 New Year’s Resolutions Life Hacks

1) Define Your Goals

Be sure that your New Year’s resolutions can be actively tracked so you can check in on your progress and see how you’re doing. It’s important to also make sure you define your goals. Make sure you have goals that aren’t too complicated for your New Year’s resolutions. You don’t want vague goals like, “to lose weight.” How much weight? In what amount of time? Instead, be specific. The more specific you are the easier it will be for you to measure your progress. The more specific your goals are, the more likely you will be able to complete them.  


2) Plan Ahead 

Don’t just come up with a resolution and leave it at that. You need to come up with a coherent plan to tackle your goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, get a gym membership, and set up a detailed schedule so you know when you should be at the gym—build a diet that works for you. Planning ahead will set you up for success. 


3) Rework Your Resolutions When Needed

Your resolutions should not be stressful. If you feel like your resolutions are putting you down, it’s completely fine to rework the idea. You don’t work for your resolution, your resolution works for you. If you want to lose weight, then make the plan (this is where planning ahead comes in) that works for you. Don’t overdo it. Slow and steady wins the race!


4) Focus on the Journey Not the Destination 

Your New Year’s resolution is not the end result; it’s the journey. When you commit to a New Year’s resolution, don’t just think about the destination. Every day you work towards a goal you are reaching your goal. It’s all about steady progress. 


5) Tell People About Your Resolution 

A good way to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions is to tell people about your New Year’s resolutions. By telling people about your resolutions you are committing to the resolutions. You can also ask your friends or family to keep tabs on you to make sure you meet your goals.


6) Take a Break When You Need It 

Sometimes, you may need a break. That’s fine. It comes with the territory. It’s not the end of the world if you take a little bit of time off. This is about recharging and unwinding. It is very common that people burn out. Try to find some time to yourself to relax, make sure you get enough sleep, and make sure you give yourself the breaks you need so you don’t get to the point of burnout.


Happy New Year, Let’s Do This!

Now that you know some New Year’s resolutions life hacks, as well as some ideas for your New Year’s resolutions, it’s time to set yourself up for success. These life hacks are here to help you grow into a better you. 

Remember, it’s never too late to start your New Year’s resolutions. If you haven’t any ideas come mid-January, that’s fine. Every day is a new day to start fresh. 

Be successful, follow these amazing steps!

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